Robodog (R) came
on shops this winter 2005 !
First mod : Ears !

Compared to Robosapien (R) , Robodog can be a total
autonomus robot, with a pair of IR sensors,
it can avoid obstacle. It got somes Tricks like Barking
noise, Urinating gesture (+ sound), roll on his back and recover itself
on "standing" position...
Saddly, the left leg stop working after a quite short
time with my kids ! As the packaging was just thrown away..;I decided to
operate the beast :
First you need to remove the 8 screws at the bottom
and pull out the top of the Torso and Back legs..;Remove carefully the
"head" conector from the print ! Then all the
others conectors and both screws from the print.

4 more screws old the front-mechanic (leg and Torso
geared-motors + Head linkage). Remove the leg by pulling the
metal "nail" and the little plastic cap.

Remove then the motor, unscrew the 6 tiny screws and
pull the top cover with the motor !
Be carefull not to remove the gears from the block,
The leg may not anymore be on the proper position after !

By opening the little motor, I found a lose wire wich
need some resolding...
As the Robot was dismantled, I decide to add some "real
dog loocking" by adding "Ears" to it !
(just a piece of rubber glove stuck between both Head